Friday, May 10, 2019

Threatening messages on social media

For everything good that there is about social media, there is also a very dark side. On the front page of today's sports section of the Akron Beacon Journal, there is an article about Cleveland Indians starting pitcher Trevor Bauer. A link is below.

Bauer seeks changes on social media threats

Sports fans have favorite teams and favorite players. I have watched many games over my lifetime where a player on my favorite team choked in a do or die moment or played very poorly. I never would have thought to write that player a letter or try to call him. Now still, in today's age of social media, I never would think to tweet at a player, slide in his dm's or message that person on Instagram and tell them they suck. If they played poorly, they know. No need to make it personal. Absolutely no need for death threats or telling them you hope they die. Can you imagine what would happen if on a bad day at work someone messaged you to say they hope you die? Crazy. The anonymity of social media has given too many people courage that they otherwise wouldn't have and they become "keyboard warriors." I hope it stops at some point.