Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Larry King

So Larry King jumped on the Britney bandwagon Monday night with a huge panel of folks discussing the ramifications of Spears losing custody of her children to Mr. Ward Cleaver himself, Kevin Federline. Is it just me or has Larry King lost whatever credibility he had? I cite recent examples of my thinking that he has slipped as his softball interview with Paris Hilton when she was released from her short jail stay. King failed to follow up several times with on several items that were crying out for tough questions. No doubt, Larry's audience was huge that night as Paris was the main draw. My wondering is this...is Larry trying to widen his demographic? I highly doubt many people in the audience even watch King on a regular basis. And certainly his audience isn't full of 12-25 year olds.


Liquid said...

Isn't there a war going on between Iraq and our men and women. Haven't some of them returned home? Haven't wives given birth to son's and daughter's the world might like to meet?
I doubt that Larry King himself is scraping the bottom of the barrel for interesting topics to share with his usual caring and intellegent viewers.
If I wanted to learn MORE about the Brittany's and the Paris', I'd actually pick up one of those magazines and read it while in line at the grocery store.
And hey, I thougt E network had first dibbs on informing us, those of us who care, about such characterless people. Just a thought...........

Stylin said...

I'm 32 and I dont watch his show !He just does not appeal to me.I' m sorry to say this but we are in desperate need for some young/younger blood
My husband did watch that Paris interview mainly because he likes her but I thought it was a hoot/sham/fake but again I dont like her
PS:Came over from WIXY' s blog

docstruke said...

Liquid and frasypoo, Welcome! It's great to have you stopping by. I have such strong feelings about the media obsession with Britney Spears. I don't think the media is simply giving the public what it wants. I think it is more that the media is CREATING the demand for it. With 24 hour news channels and multiple entertainment shows to watch, there is too much time to fill.

Liquid, great point about the war. It just so happened that the day that many newscasts were leading with the story that Britney had to give up custody of her kids to K-Fed, President Bush authorized more money (several billion dollars) to continue to fight an uphill war in Iraq.

It's really scary what this current generation of children is getting fed as "news."