Sometimes, the media make such easy and careless mistakes that it blows my mind.
The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer hosts this website called "Cleveland.com." It's very good information-wise and has plenty of places where you can leave comments on stories as well as forums to post comments on a variety of issues.
The above photo is off the Cleveland.com website with the caption "Another student arrested for drugs at Westlake High." The juvenile is reported in the article as being a 15 year old girl. So her identity is kept confidential in the article. I highly doubt the girl pictured is the one that's been arrested. If I were the parents of the girl in the photo, I would have an attorney at the Plain Dealer offices in a heartbeat!
Why show an African-American child?
Why not show a photo of Westlake High School or a photo of a Westlake police cruiser as is often done in news stories when the news crews aren't there when the crime happened to get it on tape?
Either someone reads my blog or someone else has better judgment than the Plain Dealer...WKYC, channel 3 has the same story on their website at WKYC.com with the captain: "Westlake police: Student caught with cocaine mixture." You can click on the photo to get the video of the story. Here's the photo above the caption. Nice job, WKYC!