As a teacher, he was great to watch. He got on his kids when they needed it and he knew when to lay off and let them go to work. His kids constantly won awards. I loved going to his art room to watch his kids work. Their art skills were mind-blowing.
I told him during my first or second year at Aurora High School that if I had him as my art teacher when I was growing up in Massillon, I would have probably taken art up as a career. I love to draw and still do it on occasion. It's a very relaxing hobby of mine. I would have enjoyed taking Mr. Smolko's classes.
Get this, when I asked Mr. Smolko what he would be doing in retirement, he said he would be spending lots of time in his studio working on art. You have to love a guy who is so passionate about his craft.
Hat's off to you, Mr. Smolko. You deserve it.
Fellow readers of this blog, what teachers do you recall as being your favorite and why? What made them special?
You know Struke, you're asking me to reach back quite far in my memory banks as far as one of my teachers is concerned, but I will tell you of one who is exceptional that I work with during marching season.
Ed Sims is band director at Rittman. Not only does he have to have control of 40+student musician but also one quite wild announcer. He has his students best interests in mind as he conducts various programs in the Rittman school system. He likes to see these students have a good time at events, but he also gets the utmost respect out of them.
Ed is respected all throughout Northeast Ohio. The Rittman bands are enjoyed throughout the region.
Mrs. Melba Clark. My English teacher in the 12th grade.
Love her to this day as she taught me to be intriqued by words.
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