Another winner of the week...even though I lean left, I have to give John McCain his props for giving a civil speech. He attacked the Democrats but didn't come off arrogantly doing it. I also have to respect the guy who takes the national stage and gives credit to his mom. That scores points with me.
Democratic readers of this blog...I'll give you a moment to recover from that last statement before you proceed.
My loser or losers of the week go to the person or people who gave the green light to putting on the video at the Republican National Convention that showed the tragedy of 9-11 and attempted to make the case that John McCain will keep us safe. There is no need to show the second plane slamming into the World Trade Center. As I have written a couple times now, using someone's and this country's worst and most horrific tragedy for political gain is sick.
Another Loser of the week is Linda Hogan, Hulk Hogan's ex. According to Yahoo News, in divorce papers, it says that Linda Bollea's monthly expenses include $7,258 on clothing; $1,318 on grooming; $6,100 on vacations, the documents state. Hogan, whose real name is Terry Bollea, spends $102 on clothing by comparison, and more than $38,000 on legal and accounting fees. Women readers of this blog, can you please help me out. Why would a woman need $1,300 for grooming...a MONTH? That's over $300 a week! I would run out of space spending over $7,200 in clothing a month. The news article doesn't say how much Hulk, I mean, Terry spends on tanning and uh, "weight lifting supplements."
Linda must be very high maintenance Struke! It always amazes me what people expect from high profile divorces (think: McCartney/Mills). CRAZY. Why people feel the "need" to have such things is beyond me.
A little off topic, but it really irked me to learn that Vanity Fair has estimated Cindy McCain's "look" last night at the RNC to be around $300,000.00 (includes all jewelry and cothes).
WHY is that necessary and what kind of message does that send out?
(Thanks for letting me get that one out!)
Bella...the Vanity Fair piece on Cindy McCain's wardrobe estimate is unnecessary. You nailed it. For one thing, I take it as their way to say that she is really a member of the upper class and not the middle class.
Regarding Linda Hogan, if I had kind of "allowance" for grooming, I could probably afford a massage at least three times a week.
I guess what I think about when I hear stories like this of outrageous amounts of money spent on such frivolous things is how many ways that money could have been better spent. So many people go hungry every day, don't have a home to live in, don't get proper medical care, and so on.
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