Friday, May 22, 2009

First Amendment

I am in a class at BG that deals exclusively with the First Amendment. The interesting thing is that "Freedom of Speech" has expanded to basically mean "Freedom of Expression." "Expression" can take on so many different meanings and can be seen in many debates today. Should you be required to wear a seat belt? Of course, it's stupid if you don't but should freedom of expression allow you to not wear it?

What about the kid who was suspended over going to prom at a different school?

What about the parents who wouldn't take their kid to get chemo?

1 comment:

Connie said...

Some of those meanings seem to stretch it a little far. I guess it is all in how you interpret it. I tend to think our freedoms end when they infringe upon another person's freedom. The one about parents having the freedom to decide what is best for their child's health gives me trouble some times when they refuse a medical treatment for a child that is obviously needed. Do they have the right to decide that their child should die without the treatment? Doesn't that take away the rights of the child? There again, though, it is all in point of view.