Friday, April 5, 2019

A new website and branding

I just finished teaching a Web Design class this Spring semester. The class did not focus so much on coding as it did on the design, look, and content of the website. I had my class purchase a membership with WordPress/Bluehost to build their website from a template and then write biographical information about themselves, add pictures, video, and other items relevant to them.

The most important thing I wanted them to start with was a goal for their website. Did they want to show off artwork, display their ambitions to be a football coach or whatever. I modeled for them what I wanted to do for myself.

I wanted to create an autobiographical website of who I am, complete with photos, videos, my resume, and a story about who I am. I bought the domain and here is My website. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

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