(Sarcastically speaking) It was very difficult to find anything on the demise of New York Governor Elliott Spitzer's downfall this weekend. The 24 hour news channels have been wall-to-wall with the coverage on Spitzer. And it hasn't just been about Spitzer. It's also put the spotlight on a call girl. The prostitute has a MySpace page and is/was hoping to be a recording artist. She had a song on her MySpace page which cost 60 cents to download. Guess what. As a result of all of this media frenzy, her song has been downloaded over one-million times...putting a nice amount of change in her pocket.
I haven't named the young lady here. I don't see the point. I think her getting famous off of this is crazy. At the same time though, not all of this is her fault. I saw a story on CNN Headline News that showed the media frenzy outside of the building where the governor was holding his press conference with his wife by his side. The media horde was overflowing outside of the building. A crew from Access Hollywood as well as Brazilian TV were there. I have one question: Why?
Do you think the coverage is as ridiculous as well?
Not only is the coverage ridiculous, it is an insult to every Citizen in the United States. What wrong with this picture? How come we have such a fascination for someone else's sex life? Whose business is it any way?
I would like to know why the Iraq war been taken off the front page? I would like to know why Bush is vetoing bills that will help Americans.
This issue is between the man, his wife, and the call girl. It’s none of our business. I have no respect for so called “sting” operations, when our tax dollars are being stolen from us and sent over seas to finance an “oil” war! Why?
The law enforcement agencies waste money on these so called “sting” operation. There is a lot of crime being committed already, so why do they need to set up folks! To me, Stings are a mismanagement of our tax dollars.
I am glad the young lady is making money from her song, it’s all free enterprise and who are we to judge?
One thing for sure, if more men frequent prostitutes, maybe there would be less child abuse, and women being raped.
We live with such blinders on. No one is perfect, and we all, by the US Constitution, have the rights to pursue happiness, as long as we are not hurting anyone. Now, if in our pursuit, we hurt our family members, than it’s a personal matter and the public has no business interfering!
Not only is the coverage ridiculous, it is an insult to every Citizen in the United States. What wrong with this picture? How come we have such a fascination for someone else's sex life? Whose business is it any way?
I would like to know why the Iraq war been taken off the front page? I would like to know why Bush is vetoing bills that will help Americans.
This issue is between the man, his wife, and the call girl. It's none of our business. I have no respect for so called "sting" operations, when our tax dollars are being stolen from us and sent over seas to finance an "oil" war! Why?
The law enforcement agencies waste money on these so called "sting" operation. There is a lot of crime being committed already, so why do they need to set up folks! To me, Stings are a mismanagement of our tax dollars.
I am glad the young lady is making money from her song, it's all free enterprise and who are we to judge?
One thing for sure, if more men frequent prostitutes, maybe there would be less child abuse, and women being raped.
We live with such blinders on. No one is perfect, and we all, by the US Constitution, have the rights to pursue happiness, as long as we are not hurting anyone. Now, if in our pursuit, we hurt our family members, than it's a personal matter and the public has no business interfering!
I wish we could keep the page one coverage on the Iraq war and the ongoing political campaigns but the media will claim that there's an "appetite" for info on the call girl.
I have to disagree on the "personal business" issue. One, I believe prostitution is illegal in New York. So, I have a problem with breaking the law while in office. Secondly, his salary is paid for by taxpayer dollars. I wouldn't want "my dollars" going to his call girl.
You wrote: "One thing for sure, if more men frequent prostitutes, maybe there would be less child abuse, and women being raped."
Regarding your quote above, I would hope that men are not this primitive. Hopefully, men are smart enough to get counseling or help in some other way to treat whatever issues they have.
And Amias, I think there's tremendous irony in the fact that the prostitute is getting paid big time for having her song downloaded off her MySpace page. And she isn't doing a thing for it!
“I have to disagree on the "personal business" issue. One, I believe prostitution is illegal in New York. So, I have a problem with breaking the law while in office. Secondly, his salary is paid for by taxpayer dollars. I wouldn't want "my dollars" going to his call girl.”
Struke, I know prostitution is against the law in NYC, and I agree he broke the law and should be punish like anyone else who breaks the law. However, when a person works for their money, what they do with it is their business. There is not one claim that said he wasn’t doing his job. I know that it would be a problem if he used his campaign funds, as there are rules governing these funds. But if he used his regular salary, that’s his business. He has been a self-righteous prick, and as such, he got what he deserves. One has to practice what they preach. But what the media is doing is very cruel. They don't care about the innocent folks that is involved here --- all they care about is making a buck, so how are they different from the young lady.
You wrote: "One thing for sure, if more men frequent prostitutes, maybe there would be less child abuse, and women being raped." Regarding your quote above, I would hope that men are not this primitive. Hopefully, men are smart enough to get counseling or help in some other way to treat whatever issues they have.”
In my life, and the lives of many around me (black/white), yes, a large number of men are very primitive. I speak from the perspective of an abused child, teenager, and suffered from domestic abuse most of my life --- I see things a little different. Looking at the news, and my own personal experiences, there are not many men out here like you. As you can see, in the news, even the “counselors” and “teachers” are not exempt from abusing others. Let us not get on the subject of “preachers” and “priests”. They do it all the time. There is no mandatory counseling for men who abused women and children, even some men, sexually. Even when they are put in jail and released as sex offenders, they are still not required to get counseling for their problem.
“And Amias, I think there's tremendous irony in the fact that the prostitute is getting paid big time for having her song downloaded off her MySpace page. And she isn't doing a thing for it!”
As much as I respect you, and find that you hold a lot of views that I agree with, Struke, I have to differ with you, when you say, “she isn’t doing a thing for it!” I am not going to judge this young woman. No one knows why she chose that profession. But I wouldn’t say she’s not doing anything to earn the money. From my understanding she sings, and instead of selling her body, she is selling her voice. Now, she ain’t twisting anyone arm to buy her song, and I am willing to bet you that most of her sales are probably coming from men and their curiosity.
Struke, if there were more man in government or in the Media with your integrity, we would not be having this dialogue. Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion at your place --- you are indeed an honorable man.
Amias...The reason why I wasn't sure about NYC's laws is because I thought I read somewhere where this case is getting people to review prostitution laws.
On the point of her million downloads of her song, I don't think she would become wealthy off of this had the media not played her song so much in lieu of this coverage. That's the way I heard the song. She can thank the media for being her best publicity. It's weird how this world works at times.
As far as the publicity angle over the Myspace download is concerned, that is just like one of my major beefs when a so-called "gentlemen's club" opens up in one of the communities around here. The way the newspapers cover it, page one, metro section-You can't buy advertising that would be more effective than that.
But your favorite television news outlet, Struke, proves time and again that sex sells.
On the radio this morning, I heard a soundbite from the former boyfriend of the prostitute. WHY would his opinion be needed? This ex said that he knew all along that the call girl had talent and would do something. Thanks for the insight.
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