No one seems to know how or who created this political ad but distorting a candidate's skin tone is a bit extreme in terms of trying to sway opinion. I think we all have seen enough of Obama to know that the top photo is not a true representation of his skin tone. I find it amazing that the candidate who has the most buzz in this election has had to endure having a photo circulate of him in African clothing as well as this color manipulation.
Struke, I wish I could say this surprise me, but it doesn't. The Democrats, like Miss Clinton and her Klan has been depending on votes from the Black community for ages to keep the Republicans at bay. So they never had to show their "true" racism. Since they can't say it in words, they find others ways --- sad to say the results are the same. What is kicking their butts is that, young white men and women, and many old ones are tired of the duplicity, and they are the ones that got Mr. Obama over the top --- they are the ones who is saying, "enough is enough".
You see, the Democrats are no better than the Republicans. Look at the gas prices --- you would think giving them both houses they could do better right? There is no difference in the two, and white voters are finding this out --- they also know, that there are as many poor white folks as there are poor black folks, and this has not always been the case --- there is no longer a white/black poor -- there is just the poor Americans getting screwed by both the Democrats and Republicans. Where do you go from here? Is there hope?
Here's what did shocked me in my neck of the woods. Two precincts were assigned to one polling place, which was held in a small library, with only seven voting machines, couple that with old, mostly folks who could not speak English well, was signing us in and giving out the tickets for voting --- in a community that have majority blacks. The Republicans, on the other hand, were given a large school in the same area with many voting machines -- and there are not too many Republicans in this area.
When they closed the polls at 7 p.m., there were a very long line, halfway through the parking lot, some had been waiting in line since 4:30, and they could not vote!
Now, I ain't trying to start no mess --- but you do the math. I heard about this same thing in other areas --- "who's running whom?"
Oh, I wanted to say --- it feel good to be allowed to voice one's opinion without be Judged. Thank you Struke ... you are very much appreciated.
Regarding the gas prices...I love it how our President did the token gesture to hold an "inquiry" into the gas prices about a year and a half ago. What happened to that?
Of course, nothing has happened as the oil executives continue to drown in profit.
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