Winner of the Week: Kay Yow
North Carolina State women's basketball coach Kay Yow passed away today after a long battle with breast cancer. The 66 year old won more than 700 games as a head coach. Yow battled breast cancer for what is reported as "decades." Her body took an incredible pounding from chemotherapy and other treatments. Still, she went on coaching and making an impact on others. Yow rarely took time away from her time but this year was different. The cancer spread to her liver and bones. Her team visited her this past Wednesday.
This hits home for me because my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 9 years ago. She is in remission. It was a tough battle but thanks to the doctors at University Hospitals in Cleveland and at Mercy Medical Center in Canton, Ohio, she is fine.
Loser of the Week: Rush Limbaugh
I am convinced that this guy sole goal in life is to bash Democrats, no matter what. Among his highlights this week...saying he wants Obama to fail, criticizing his inauguration speech by saying it wasn't electrifying and focused too much on our nation's problems. Clearly, Limbaugh missed the part of the speech that said something about picking ourselves up and dusting ourselves off and getting at it. I believe Obama referred to it as a "call to service."
As you know, I try to hover towards the middle, but I have conservative leanings. I haven't listened to Limbaugh for more than 2 minutes at a time for years.
When I heard that he said he wanted Obama to fail, I thought to myself, "Wait a minute! I didn't vote for the man, but he is our commander in chief." I guess Limbaugh wants our nation to fail.
My stance is the same now as it was the day after the election:We are to pray for those in authority since they now represent us.
Cliff...I am the same. I didn't care for the way George W. Bush ran the country but I respected the title and his position as long as he was in office.
I didn't think Obama's speech was all the great either. I wish him and his team the best in the next 4 years.
Excellent choices, Struke. You have to admire how Kay Yow continued to live her life and influence others in spite of all that she had to face and deal with.
As for Limbaugh, saying that he wants Obama to fail is just crazy wrong. If Obama fails, that means things will be happening that are bad for our country. Why would anyone who calls himself an American want that? It just makes no sense to say that whether you were for Obama or not. Sounds like just sour grapes to me.
Daisy...I feel so badly for Kay Yow in that she suffered and went through so much. She was such a fighter.
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