The Kellog cereal company has dropped Phelps saying that bascially his bong hit "is not consistent with the company's image."
The guy was smoking pot, which is not a "performance enhancing" drug.
I have several reactions to this whole mess. First, I am tired of people saying his smoking pot is part of the whole "experimenting" and "maturation process." Hell no, it is not! Not everyone smokes pot. It is so wrong to hear "experts" on tv try to dismiss this as "typical behavior" for someone who is "maturing."
Secondly, yes, smoking marijuana is wrong. Nothing more. Just because "everyone" smokes it, it's still not right.
Lastly, I wonder how great the person feels who took and leaked this photo to the tabloid. He probably got a nice check from it. It's sick that someone would look to profit from someone else's missteps.
I agree Struke that not everyone smokes pot and that it is not something everyone does on their way to maturity. Saying that is just making excuses for inappropriate behavior. I also agree with your thought about who took the picture and decided to make a fast buck off of some one else's mistake. It is just the wrong thing to do.
it seems ridiculous that Michael Phelps is getting so much flak from this supposed marijuana scandal... Since when have we taken the reporting of trashy tabloids so seriously?
Daisy...thank you! To me, using "maturity" as an excuse to smoke pot is a copout. And we have all heard people say that getting arrested for things like drunken driving is considered "normal" or part of growing up and "learning from mistakes." When did this ever become acceptable?
Coffee...good question about the tabloids. I think when things like the John Edwards affair appear first in tabloids, people caught on to the idea that these "newspapers" will shell out the money for legitimate dirt.
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