Friday, November 7, 2008

Thrown under the bus

The fallout from the McCain-Palin loss is building up. In the last few days, McCain insiders have been leaking to the media problems that were festering inside the campaign.

Among the problems cited by McCain aides:
Governor Palin didn't know that Africa is a continent and not a country.
Governor Palin didn't know the countries that are involved in NAFTA, you know, the NORTH AMERICA Free Trade Agreement. Her state borders one of the three countries.

"If there are allegations based on questions or comments that I made in debate prep about NAFTA, and about the continent vs. the country when we talk about Africa there, then those were taken out of context," Palin said. "That's cruel, It's mean-spirited. It's immature. It's unprofessional and those guys are jerks if they came away with it, taking things out of context and then tried to spread something on national news. It's not fair, and it's not right."

These confidential sources were cited in a FOX NEWS Report, of all places.

How not knowing about Africa or NAFTA can be taken out of context is beyond me. I think we, the general public, know that when something is "taken out of context", that's usually b.s. Considering that Palin couldn't answer questions about the responsibilities of the vice president or what newspaper and magazines she reads, these "out of context" comments don't seem like much of a stretch.

And then there was the practical joke phone call from the Canadian radio personalities. Palin's camp claims they knew about this for at least three days and that McCain's camp should have known about it being on Palin's calendar. Nice communication there.

McCain insiders claim that McCain and Palin didn't talk over the last several days of the campaign. Hey, GOP supporters, that was what you wanted to have in the White House????? If this is how well they ran a campaign, it scares me to think how well they would have run the country.

This afternoon, Rush Limbaugh was still heaping praise on Sarah Palin, saying she's the future of the party. PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE, Republican party, if you think she's great, keep putting her out there. Us Democrats will be fine with that.

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