My Winners of the Week: Darius Weems and the Darius Goes West crew.
In the photo up top, I am pictured with Darius Weems. Darius has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. It's fatal. Darius' older brother died from the same illness when he was 19. Darius graduated from high school this past school year.
Darius is the star of a documentary called "Darius Goes West" in which 11 friends try to get Darius' wheelchair on MTV's "Pimp My Ride." Hollywood can't script something this good. It's an amazing story. The guys are even better. The dedication they have for making Darius' life as good as it can be is honorable.
In the photo below, I am pictured with Darius Weems, the crew and some ladies from Chi Delta Pi, one of the sponsors of the screening we did at the University of Toledo.
Visit the website for more information about this documentary. It was shown in Cleveland in 2007 and has won more than 25 film festival awards. It was the most honored film of 2007.
Losers of the Week: Normally, this spot would be reserved for governors/v-p candidates but I want the spot light to be on Darius.
The post was worth the wait. very inspiring.
Very nice post, Struke. Friends make it all worthwhile no matter who you are or where you are in life. Darius has a wonderful smile and apparently is fortunate to have some very wonderful friends too.
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