Winner of the Week: President-elect Barack Obama
Barack ran a classy campaign. He took the high road constantly as compared to his opponent who tried to connect him to terrorists and other bad people. The claims didn't stick. As Obama himself said, "when you don't have anything to say, you attack the other guy." Obama's well-run campaign helped him win Tuesday night's election in a landslide.
Winner of the Week: John McCain
Yeah, I know you can't believe I'm putting this here. However, despite the crappy campaign that McCain ran which included one of the most disasterous v-p picks of all-time, McCain delivered an outstanding concession speech. He expressed his sympathy for Obama's grandma during the speech.
And no, Governor Palin, you are not supposed to talk at all during this time. That concession speech is McCain's moment.
Loser of the Week: Rush Limbaugh
During Rush's show today, Rush pointed out how people like Iran's President, Louis Farrakhan, and Reverend Wright have all expressed their support for Obama since Tuesday. Rush said, "Barack has collected a nice group of supporters." And then he listed them. Rush then played several clips of Reverend Wright's infamous sermons. Rush is further proof of who/what party has been so divisive to this country.
Loser of the Week: Reverend Wright
Shut up and go away. Barack won. No need to appear on any shows. Just go away.
I hope in the future the real winners of the week will be the American people. We are all in this together.
Cliff...I agree with your comment 100%. However, I don't see it happening. I can't help but feel good knowing that I voted for history.
As long as we have divisive people like Rush Limbaugh, who seems to be alienating his own by fanning the flames of racism, "all" of us will not be in this together. Rush apparently didn't notice that many Republican strongholds went to Obama in this election. The need for change and away from the policies of the past won people over.
I am saddened that so quickly after the results were final, Rush was replaying Reverend Wright's "sermons."
Excellent choices, Struke. :)
Struke, Are my comments not going through? I've been so out of touch with blogging lately, forgive me.
William Ayers is pretty divisive as well. He keeps talking and talking.
Change? HRC for Secretary of State...more of the same old, same old. Our two party system needs an entire makeover.
You were and are being scammed by both parties!
Americans continue to suffer, continue to pay for the pigs at the trough in Washington.
I don't get how William Ayers is still relevant. He doesn't have a national radio show. He is only relevant when he wants to talk and get media attention. But anyway. Whatever.
How do we "makeover" the two-party system? What can be done...practically?
How are we being "scammed" by both parties? If the answer is simply "corruption in Washington," that's a very general statement.
WZZP...I have to congratulate you. You found someone who ran for higher office and did fewer national interviews than Sarah Palin. I had no idea who Matt Gonzalez was before this.
William Ayers is still relevant because he continues to write books about his views. In fact, he was on Good Morning America Monday morning spreading his word. If Ayers has the freedom to expound his point of view why not Rush? Ayers is a leader of a movement that has killed and injured many innocent people. I do not recall Rush ever giving orders to kill, bomb, steal, or kidnap people.
If what you advertise is real change away from past policies, why support a person who was endorsed by some of the current administration? Why support a person who is considering leaving the current Defense Secretary in his position. Why support a person who broke his own promise on campaign finance? How many "favors" does he owe to the millions of large contributions that came in during the last few weeks of the campaign. Will that money help pay for HRC's now defunct bid for the White House.
I am saddened that Americans have not come to realize that we are being robbed from those who supposedly represent us. How in the world did DENNIS! get reelected, when all he has done the last two years is run for president?
The only change that has come upon the United States is a Republican is going out, and a Democrat is going in. This is in name only. Where is the difference?
wzzp...there are a couple of issues at play here. First, the media is giving Ayers coverage. While Ayers is making the rounds to "clear" his name and distance himself from the President-elect, he is doing this because Obama is in the White House, he is speaking his mind and that may be why he is getting the attention of the media. The Republican party made it a daily habit of accusing Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and "launching his campaign in Ayers' living room." With that much attention, I think it was only natural to follow up on Ayers. However, in terms what the future holds in the next few months as we transition to the Obama administration, to say that Ayers is still relevant, is a stretch. It's like saying Joe the Plumber still matters and deserves our attention.
Secondly, while Rush may not be ordering for people to be killed, making race an issue of the campaign literally the day after the vote is absurd. Constantly playing soundbites of Rev. Wright's sermons and bringing up the Farrakhan (who Barack has distanced himself from) is drumming up the wrong kinds of feelings in this country. Sure, Rush has every right to do that BUT considering how divided this country is, that's not the kind of rhetoric that needs to be replayed and promoted over and over.
Sarah Palin kept bringing up the "palling around with terrorists" comment while her supporters yelled "kill him", "hang him", "treason", etc. and McCain said in the third debate that he isn't "ashamed of his supporters."
Regarding Dennis...I totally agree. He had no chance at all.
Ok, WZZP, if the two parties are so similar, again, I ask, what's the alternative? How can change be practically done?
I disagree with your statement that the only change between now and January is the name of the party that's going in the White House. I can't remember a time in my life where the election of a president was WELCOMED around the world.
WZZP...can you please help me out?
You wrote: "Ayers is a leader of a movement that has killed and injured many innocent people."
I am trying to find out exactly how many did he kill and/or injure. If you can find a link or a reputable source somewhere that I can reference, I would appreciate it.
Getting back to an earlier point relating to Ayers as well as Rush...we DO have a Freedom of Speech in this country. So one guy can talk about his radical inept-bomb-making experiences and Rush can be as racist as he wants. This doesn't make it morally ok.
I don't know if you caught Obama's speech on Election Night. He made a great point that "change" shouldn't be just about him. It's also about US. What can we do to be better? How can each of us do something to make this country better? I don't think replaying the racist rants of Reverend Wright qualifies as making this country better. How can we make the country better? If doing away with or making over the two-party system is the answer, how can it be done?
wzzp...I haven't heard back from you. Did you post a reply? If so, it might have gone to my spam folder. For some reason, replies to this board go to my spam folder and I have to check that.
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