The Aurora Greenmen Football Team

The Greenmen won the Division III football state title by beating Eastmoor Academy 21-10 last Saturday in Fawcett Stadium. It's the first title in football for Aurora. Coach Bob Mihalik is one of the classiest and nicest guys ever and does great work with kids.
Losers of the Week:
By Nomination of Cliff (WIXY):
Cleveland Browns General Manager Phil Savage who "threw his coach under bus." After another loss in a disappointing season, Savage told the press that his job is to basically assemble the team and it's up to the coach how to best utilize that talent. Translation: it's not his fault the team sucks. It's too bad Coach Crennel can't catch the passes that Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow drops.
New York Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress. This knucklehead took his gun into a nightclub last week and accidentally shot himself in the leg. Currently, Plax is suspended without pay from the Giants. I just don't get it how these guys with unreal talent get caught up in this crap.
The band Coldplay: Joe Satriani has filed a lawsuit against the band which basically amounts to a charge of plagiarism. Judge for yourself.
Yeah, I say that the boy wonder should be polishing up his resume, or maybe go back to being Ozzie Newsome's office boy.
And the video does smack of plagiarism.
Also congrats to the Aurora Greenmen.
Another wasted year for Cleveland.
I hear that song by Coldplay everytime I go to Ballys.
Off Topic: Struke, I think you need to add some music here to your blog!
I'd love to see your choices.
Bella...I'll do it sometime this week.
I love it!!!
Neil Diamond and Lionel Richie.
Excellent choices.
Bella...I've seen Neil Diamond in concert a couple times. He's excellent.
I would like to see Lionel Richie. He has a live cd out. He sounds awesome in concert.
I'm glad you like it. As you can tell, it's all mellow. I like soft music like that. Very relaxing.
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