Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals in Cleveland are always ranked among the best in the world. This week, CC proved it by doing the most extensive facial transplant. The surgery went for around 20 hours. To prep, I read where doctors were practicing taking facial tissue from cadavers and practicing. Practice is one thing but to do that over the length of almost a day is amazing. Props to those in the medical field.
Loser of the Week: Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich

I read about the face transplant. That just amazed me. It is so hard to believe the advances that have been made in medical science in just the last few years. It always makes me wonder what is next? Good choices for winner and loser this week, Struke. :)
Those lousy Democrats!
Merry Christmas! Have some fried chicken!
WZZP...I hear ya. Those lousy Democrats...especially ones with bad hair. Those are the worst.
Does he use AquaNet?
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Struke! :D
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