Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Debate #2 critique

Watching this debate, my friends, I had the feeling, my friends, as probably many others had, that the debate had no direction or flow. It was disjointed, my friends. The candidates even weren't sure who was going to answer, what turn was coming up, etc. And I think Tom Brokaw was a little too involved. If this is a true Town Forum, my friends, let the people ask the questions.

I was surprised that Barack Obama referenced 9-11 but in a critical remark of George Bush who, as Obama told us, my friends, to go shopping after one of our nation's worst days.

While John McCain, my friends, seemed more personable than in the first debate where he would not look at Obama, this time, he hit a low in calling Obama "that one." My friends, if people played any kind of drinking game anytime McCain said "my friends," no one would have survived the first hour.

Overall, I don't think either candidate scored a knockout. It's interesting that for all of the terrorist-connection accusations being made against Obama, that it wasn't brought up last night.


Connie said...

I felt like you did, Struke, that it was disjointed. Neither candidate seemed to want to follow the rules of when to speak and what questions to answer. It just didn't seem very well organized to me. I also agree that both candidates had their ups and downs with this debate.

Cliff said...

Struke, your review made me glad that I get up early to go to work and I had to spend time with my friends, in dreamland.

Anonymous said...

Besides McCain referring to Obama as "that one", I thought it was ignorant of McCain to say to the one man's face that "before this, you probably never heard of Freddia Mac and Fannie Mae."

Hey, John, do you think the people that were there might know something about current events?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I was only able to catch the last 15 minutes of it.
