The Winner of the Week goes to country music superstar Tim McGraw. Tim threw out the first pitch for Game 3 of the World Series a few days back. Tim's late father, Tug McGraw was a star pitcher on the last Phillies squad to win it all. Tim took some of his Dad's ashed and spread them on the mound mound. What an interesting and touching way to honor Dad.
I remember I used to have several baseball cards from that 1980 Phillies team, including Tug McGraw.
Loser(s) of the Week
Joe the Plumber. I am so tired of this clown. As we all know by now, he owes back taxes and isn't a licensed plumber. He now has a "publicity team" from Nashville on payroll. Supposedly, a book deal is in the works.
Sarah Palin.
Read this short little portion of a recent A.P. article about the Governor.
Palin says Obama infomercial short on specifics
ERIE, Pa. – Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said Thursday that Democrat Barack Obama offered few national security specifics in the infomercial he broadcast the night before, accusing him of trying to "soften the focus" in the campaign's final days.
*******Back to my commentary.
PALIN is accusing Obama of being short on specifics?????!!!!!!!!! Wait, the same Sarah Palin who couldn't name a magazine or newspaper she's read? The same Sarah Palin who couldn't name a Supreme Court case to Katie Couric? The same Sarah Palin who still doesn't know the role of the Vice President?
I can't wait for this election to be over so the governor can go back to moosehunting.
Father John Corapi.

Father Corapi is a guy who has fallen on shaky ground with me. I used to like this guy tremendously because he is charismatic and is a breath of fresh air among the traditional and stiff fraternity of Catholic priests. Father Corapi is on the Catholic cable channel EWTN every Saturday night at 10 p.m. He sounds like Jesse "The Body" Ventura.
Anyway, the reason why Father Corapi is a Loser of the Week is for an e-mail sent to my Mom by him. It wasn't personally from him although it very well could have been. My Mom got on his e-mail address list when she ordered a cd from his website awhile ago. Today, my Mom said she got an e-mail from Father Corapi asking her to make the right choice and vote for the pro-life candidate in this election, John McCain. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The abortion issue to my Mom, who is in retirement age but still works, has no relevance. Also, it incenses me that a priest is coming out and endorsing a candidate and pushing that on people. Keep in mind that with a conservative in the White House the last eight years, the number of abortions hasn't gone down. Also, the conservative currently in the White House, put to death quite a few folks when he was governor of Texas. So much for being pro-life.
There are a lot more issues to this election than just Roe v. Wade.
I am so sick of Joe the Plumber as well. It's totally STUPID. The whole concept. Talk about grasping for straws...
Bella...I agree. Constantly bringing him up is grasping. Why Joe feels the need to have his views on foreign policy heard is beyond me. We don't care. He doesn't represent me. Everytime John McCain or Sarah Palin brings him up, it comes off as a weak attempt to try to drum up support.
I had to update this post after talking to my Mom. You'll see why once you see the addition to my Losers.
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