Pictured above is the inside of the new and improved Memorial Field House on the campus of the University of Toledo. The former home of baseketball games and concerts is now home to state of the art classrooms and open gathering spaces. As you can tell by the photo below, the building features plenty of natural light.

Pictured below is a look at the bell tower of University Hall.

Saturday's Homecoming Parade was my first. It was fun to watch. I was impressed how long it was. Below is the best float from the parade. It featured an Elvis statue and was playing Elvis' music. Very cool. It's pretty cool that students are getting to use this kind of equipment. The studio is in the process of being converted over to high definition.

Also, this weekend, we showed off our facilities in Rocket Hall as the Communication Department dedicated its new wing. Pictured below are two of the television broadcast sets.

Nice pictures Struke! Looks like a beautiful place to spend time.
I think if I were fortunate enough to work at a university, I would feel YOUNG forever.
Bella...I had the same thought. I feel like I stepped back in time.
Great photos! Elvis float--what a fun idea. The new wing of the Communication Department looks quite impressive.
Daisy...I'll take more pics of the broadcast wing of Rocket Hall. It's still "unfilled." The area is done. It just hasn't been "moved in" yet.
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