Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final debate critique

Tonight's debate was by far, the most entertaining and direct debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. The format encouraged more direct contact between the two candidates.

First off, Bob Schiefer did a much better job at managing this one than Tom Brokaw did on debate #2.

My observations:
McCain was clearly the aggressor as he launched several attacks on Obama. However, I thought Obama defended himself quite well.

Was it just me or did John McCain just drift away from the point a couple of times?
Exhibit A
The point about negative campaigns...McCain flat out lied after Obama brought up the nuts at the Palin rallies that yell out "terrorist," "kill him", and "treason." Palin did not "repubiate" those who yelled out those extremely wrong statements like "kill him." And then McCain got really bitter and started talking about veterans being at his rallies and wearing ballcaps with their naval carriers on them. Obama said nothing about the veterans at rallies.

Exhibit B
On the negative words being said about each other...Obama said that he wanted to get away from the negative attacks and smears and that the American people want to talk about the issues. Then, McCain went on for at least a minute more about the whole ACORN issue and William Ayers, EVEN THOUGH Obama just explained his position on it. Anyway, after McCain got done ranting again about ACORN and Ayers, he then said that his campaign is all about dealing with the issues like the economy.

Exhibit C
I don't remember the question/answer but in the middle of his statement, McCain, out of nowhere brought up children with autism. And at the time he brought it up, it had absolutely nothing to do with the original question.

I thought a really strong point made by Obama was when he said that negative attacks are more of a reflection on John McCain's campaign than they are on him (Obama).

Oh, and could John McCain please stop bringing up the fact that Barack Obama is "eloquent"????? Come on, John. John acts like we should be amazed that Obama can speak well.

Final note:
Joe the Plumber is here in Toledo. My close friends up here had their bathtub looked at by Joe.

1 comment:

Chris H. said...

Schieffer was excellent ... old school big J guy ... have always liked him.

I think CBS made a HUGE mistake giving Katie the chair over him.