Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Boredom at the airport

During my seven hour layover in San Francisco, I had plenty of time to do a lot of things. I read, studied, worked on a syllabus, ate dinner, and I drew a picture. I love to draw when I have lots of spare time, like sitting in an airport. I bought a book at a used book store in Cleveland that had very old landscape prints. I drew this in about three hours.


Connie said...

Wow, Struke! I really like this. That is a very nice drawing. You used your time wisely looks like to me.

Anonymous said...

Nice drawing!

Anonymous said...

Daisy: Thank you. I have a file of pictures I want to draw. I knew I had the long layover and thought that would be a perfect thing to do. I like how it turned out. I will get it copied and frame it.

WZZP: Thank you! Drawing was my first career choice back when I was in junior high but I didn't like the thought of being pressured to draw for a living.