I went to the student union tonight for a watch party put on by the Student College Democrats at the University of Toledo. Funny story. As I'm walking across the beautiful courtyard in the middle of campus, there's music playing, two big screens set up and a tent. I'm thinking, "Oh, cool...it's outdoors." The music stops as I get closer. There's about 60-70 students sitting onthe concrete walkways and grass areas...some were standing. This kid gets on the mic and says to the crowd, "There's some room up front if you are looking for a seat." Then he says, "Before we go any further, if you haven't introduced yourself to anyone or haven't met anybody, take some time to meet someone new next to you." People started hugging and shaking hands.
I was a little uncomfortable as I got closer to this gathering. As people were hugging and greeting, I went up to the speaker and said, "Is this the Barack Obama party?" He said, "No, this is Campus Crusade for Christ." I said, "Oh, can you tell me where the Obama party is?" And he kindly told me there to find it.

The photo above is from the "Obamarama." There were about 60 people there. It was a nice turnout. Obama's speech drew several rounds of applause from the crowd.
Ooops! wrong party. Oh well. I'm sure the Campus Crusade for Christ group would have welcomed you to join them as well. I'm glad you found the right place to go in the end. Barack did a good job with the speech.
That's funny.
Wow, to be around a handful of democrats would be heaven for me.
I think I'm the only one in my town.
I thought Obama's speech was incredible. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, it was a historic moment for this country.
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