Twice within the past couple of weeks, I have left a class and gone back to a parking lot and found a car just like mine. At the University of Toledo, I acutally went up to a Prius and pulled the handle, expecting it to unlock, not realizing it wasn't mine. Duh!
Wednesday night, I parked in the commuter lot at Bowling Green. After my class, I went back to my car and saw just what you see in the picture. Someone driving the same car parked that close to me.
Must be a popular car! HA! Maybe you'll have to hang some fuzzy dice from your mirror or put some big fancy red flower on your antennae sticking up to make it easier to find your car. ;)
I imagine because the Prius is in so much demand right now with the price of gas and all, this situation is only going to get worse for you instead of better. Hey, at least you drive a nice car that is in demand. :D
Struke, we drive the same car. Only mine is black (and named Lola). Is that the Silver Pine Mica color? What's her name?
I don't have that problem as there aren't many Prius owners in my area, but just in case, I was sure to get a specialized "environmental" car tag with my name, "Bella" on it.
I loooove Priuses and Prius owners!
=) Bella
I have a Miami Dolphins sticker in my windshield. My license plate says, "STRUKE." But I don't know why I still pause when I see another car close to mine like that. Very funny.
The color is the light green. I don't know if Silver Pine Mica is the proper name for it but that sounds right.
I haven't named the car. For a long time after I got it, I felt like I was a member of the Jetsons family. I felt like I was driving something that was still on the drawing board.
Bella...Prius owners are tops in my book too! :)
When I was living in Cleveland and putting tons of miles on my car, I was filling up every 8 days. Here in Toledo, going back and forth to and from campus with the occasional "long" trip to Kroger's or Wal-Mart, I average filling up every two and a half weeks. That saves me $60 a month!
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