This week's first place winner is Barack Obama for his historic acceptance as the first Afican-American to gain the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States. His acceptance speech was stirring, emotional, and addressed every issue and criticism of him and his party.
Second place winner goes to John McCain who ran a congratulatory commercial recognizing Obama's historic night. It was a classy move.
Another recipient or recipients for my "Winners of the Week" would have to go to my colleagues at the university. I had my first department meeting today, which concluded my first week on campus. The Mass Communication Department is full of people who truly care about students and are extremely competitive about wanting to put the department on the map in terms of being a place to go to for communications.
Loser of the Week

Rush Limbaugh is a deserving recipient of the Loser of the Week. I listen to Rush on occasion to get "the other side." The afternoon leading up to Obama's speech, Rush said on the air that Obama is a "thug" and he hasn't done anything to deserve where he is today and he is unqualified.
It's one thing to disagree with their credentials, BUT to label someone a thug is out of line.
****DISCLAIMER****The following are my own views and not those of any other party, institution or organization.
Secondly, I listened to a few minutes of Rush today after McCain's historic appointment of a woman as his running mate. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has to be by least qualified Vice Presidential candidate in years, possibly ever. She only has a Bachelors Degree. She has no Congressional experience. She didn't finish one term as governor. Rush, naturally, praised Palin saying she's experienced and in his words, "her appointment will make the feminist babes happy."
Limbaugh makes my skin crawl. I'd vote for him as Loser every day of the year if I could! HA! :D
Obama did do a magnificent job with his speech didn't he? Very moving.
I'm glad you are liking your new job there Struke. Sounds like it is going well for you.
Here's the thing with Limbaugh and many other Republican supporters that I don't get. What many are saying is that this was such a good pick for a v.p. because now, many of Hillary's disgruntled supporters will go for Palin. One female friend of mine feels so insulted. She says she is upset that Republicans think that women would just change parties at the ballot box simply because a woman is voting.
Daisy...the job is going quite well. I am loving every minute of it. It's challenging and fun at the same time.
As one who has pretty much had it with political talk shows of any kind, I look at the rare occasions that I listen to Rush as purely entertainment, and not good entertainment.
I feel that my intelligence is insulted when the host tells me that I have to accept the whole package or none of it at all.
This country needs some new blood in the way of a third party that would start at the local level and work it's way up.
Somewhere the concept of "government of the people, for the people, and by the people" has been lost.
Cliff...great points. For a guy who is making $60 million dollars or whatever it is and draws millions of listeners each day, the guy, sadly, has clout.
I assume you are referring to Rush when you are talking about "accepting the whole package." You could probably throw Triv in that mix as well.
Well Strukes, I am inclined to disagree about the Palin choice. I rather like her and if you look at what she's been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time as gov. it's impressive.
However, Rush Limbaugh is an idiot and I pity anyone--be it liberal or conservative--who actually takes him seriously.
I'm glad I have the chance to vote in this election because it's sure to be historic. It's a tough choice though for me. I like both Obama and McCain for different reasons. I'll know come November I'm sure.
Jayme...great to hear from you and hello from over here in Toledo! I agree that Governor Palin has done a lot in a little time. However, being the vice president makes her the proverbial "heartbeat" away from the Presidency. Being a mayor of a town of 9,000 and serving less than one term as governor has me a little nervous. Plus, if elected, John McCain would be the oldest president elected at the age of 72. In January, if they were elected and if, tragically, John McCain passed away, I wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who was running a town of 9,000 people just three years ago.
Good call on Limbaugh...the sad part is the guy influences how many people think and view the candidates. His role in having registered Republicans go to the Democratic primaries and vote for Hillary just to drag out the fight between Obama and Clinton was very influential in extending the conflict between the two. Limbaugh is "the voice" of the right.
Jayme...I hope you have a great senior year at Mayfield High. Thanks for stopping by.
Following up on my own point about Sarah Palin...do you mean to tell me that there no female Republicans that are as qualified for v.p. such as a Condi Rice? Sure, Condi didn't want the job but compare her credentials to Palin's and I think it's easy to see how inferior Palin is.
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