Pardon the poor image quality. I tried to find this online at but it's not there. I took a photo and cropped it. It's a great special for 500 sheets of recylced paper for $3. The packaging on the binder standing up says, "O.P.P. Other People's Paper."
Does anyone remember the rap group Naughty by Nature which had a monster hit in the 1990s called O.P.P.? Naughty by Nature's O.P.P. certainly didn't stand for "Other People's Paper." Naughty by Nature wasn't a group that made the environment their main concern. I was surprised this got on there. Those three letters didn't get put together by accident. Someone had to get a little snicker out of this.
Struke, I'm laughing out loud! I was actually at Target (one of my favorite places to shop) getting school supplies for the boys and actually saw that notebook. Of course, that was the first thing I thought as well!
I did buy the boys school supplies that were eco-friendly (pencils and such), just not THAT paper!
=) Bella
Bella...I just wonder how many other people caught that?
Hey, I'm all for using recylced stuff and making it hip but jeez.
I forgot to tell you...did you know there is a town near me called, "Opp"? Of course, its not "O.P.P.", but it's always been funny to me.
Seeing I had to google O.P.P., I certainly didn't get it.
I wouldn't have seen that, as it was at Tarjay and not the Evil Big Box Store.
Bella...what state has Opp as a town?
Dear, Struke, that would be Alabama...
=) Bella
I looked it up. Opp, Alabama has a population slightly larger than Rittman.
Well, not being a fan of rap music, I had to look this one up too. Looks like it slipped through the ad censors. :D
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