Monday, October 20, 2008

The Republicans keep grasping.

As the days wind down before the election, GOP supporters are grasping at straws to try to slow down the Obama Express.

At first, they claimed that Obama "palls around with terrorists." They have no proof. That didn't stick.

Then it became, "he's a socialist. He wants to 'spread the wealth." No proof there either.

Furthermore, John McCain needs to look at several aspects of our own society that operate on socialist principles. Our public education system in Ohio is messed up because it was ruled a long time ago that the funding system is not fair. The goal is to make all districts funded more equally. Gee, that sounds very, dare I say, SOCIALIST?!

Major League Baseball has this thing called "revenue sharing" where the teams that don't do as well as say the Yankees, still get some money. Oh, please stop. That sounds socialist as well. It can't be BUT it is. Blog reader Chris Hyser is one of the biggest baseball fans I know. I am curious about his thoughts on this socialist perspective and baseball. Chris, please throw in your two cents.

Back to my main point...over the weekend Colin Powell announced his endorsement of Senator Barack Obama. Powell mentioned listed several things wrong with the GOP ticket that helped him make up his mind. Among the issues he cited are: the Palin selection, the response of the economic crisis, and the negative campaign.

How are McCain's supporters responding? Today, Rush Limbaugh said that the endorsement was all about race. Maybe Rush watched part of Powell's appearance on Meet the Press because host Tom Brokaw brought the race issue up to Powell and he said that if his endorsement was indeed and only about race, he would have endorsed Obama a long time ago.


Connie said...

I was pleased to hear of Powell's endorsement. I would think that his opinion would be held as one that is well-respected.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh, this afternoon, toned down his racist comments by saying that "race was part of the decision" in endorsing Obama. Rush, again, didn't hear what General Powell said about the race issue. He said that if race was an issue, he would have picked Obama a long time ago.

He said he's voting for Obama based on the failed campaign of John McCain and especially his pick for v-p.