Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Facebook and Phone Etiquette
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Report the Facts. Respect the truth.
Yes, this is a top 20 news market!
The fact the guy is a Chippendales dancer has so little to do with the story but the reporter made it a big part of the story. The tight shot of him "travelling with a six pack"????
This aired during the five o'clock hour on Monday, December 21st. I wonder if I was the only one who felt uncomfortable seeing this on the news.
I wonder what the perception would be if a woman had done this story. Hmmmmmm...
Friday, November 20, 2009
How NOT to fire people.
The Top 10 Comments to Avoid Uttering
Here are 10 things you should never say when terminating an employee:
While these comments may not be evidence of an illegal motive, they may produce anger that results in the employee's visiting a lawyer to determine whether a viable claim exists.
1."This was a job elimination and had nothing to do with your performance." Do not say this when a discharge had everything to do with an employee's performance. Your desire to protect an employee's feelings -- or your own -- can later be used as evidence of pretext if the employee brings a discrimination claim.
2. "We have carried you for many years. It's just not possible to continue to do so during these difficult times." Don't trash the past. It is not only insulting to the employee, but it may be inconsistent with the employee's prior evaluations. Remember, pretext alone wins cases.
3. "We have no choice but to terminate your employment." There are always other options. Why not tolerate mediocrity a little longer? Termination need not be the only viable option, so don't suggest that it is.
4. "You have no one to blame but yourself. You just did not try hard enough." Hold employees accountable, but don't impugn their integrity. When employees feel personally attacked, they fight back.
5."This is just as hard for me as it is for you." There are few absolutes, but it is absolutely true that it always harder to be fired than to fire. Don't ask an employee who is looking at unemployment to feel your pain.
6. "This is not the right job for you. When you get the right job, you will thank me." That may make you feel good, but it will make the discharged employee bristle. The "thank you" may come in the form of a complaint.
7. "I am sorry, but you are fired." You may mean: "I am sorry we have come to this situation." The employee may hear that you think you are wrong. It's not a good time to have a conversation about the meaning of "I am sorry." Avoid apologies, even though you may genuinely feel badly.
8. "I know how you feel." Unless you have been fired recently, you don't know how the person feels. If you have been fired recently, now is not the time to share that experience.
9. "You will always be a part of the corporate family." Trust me. This will make the fired employee think: "Oh, good. Will I still get the newsletter after I sue you?"
10 "Pardon the e-mail, but you are fired." This may not be unlawful, but it's gutless. And it invites the angry employee to go for your gut.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Badly in need of p.r.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Also, in 20 years, everyone goes their different paths. Many are married with kids. Some got married and are now divorced. Some are in a different part of the country. Either way, we all were pretty good with each other in talking and relating to each other's struggles and successes.
Now, here's another side of age. I am in a Doctorate program at BGSU. I am at least ten years older than almost all of my colleagues. Instead of going straight from one degree to the next, I worked in the real world. I think it helped me mature mentally and experience things that you just can't learn in class. Anyway, in some of my classes (at Kent and BG), I notice how I get the "old man" treatment. I mean, he's the "old man" in here, what does he know? That is such a powerful motivator. I think it can be more powerful than positive reinforcement. Thankfully though, the treatment for the age difference isn't as bad as it could be. There are just a handful of people who seem to have an issue with it.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Children and the Media

So this young boy, Falcon, is at the heart of a national story about an eccentric family. The family has been making the rounds of the national media talk shows on cable and broadcast networks.
The result?
I don't know who is more guilty...the media for putting this fool (the father AND his family on tv) or is the guilty one the father for putting his family out there like this?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Turn it off!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Not often do I see funny animal videos that I want to post here but my buddy, Mark Williamson has this on his Facebook page. I watched this a few times because I couldn't believe the goat is actually saying, "Wwwwwwhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt???"
And here's another goat video, with a goat yelling for its Mommy.
Friday, September 11, 2009
What is going on?
Republican Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina has gone from nobody to "hero" status in many people's minds because of his uncivil actions during the President's speech a couple nights ago. Wilson apologized after the speech saying his emotions got the best of him.
I can't imagine going to a nationwide conference for Wal-Mart or Apple and heckling the C-E-O as he talked. I would get booted out of the conference.
The sad part is that people are calling Wilson a hero. Why? Because he openly called the President a liar? If he would simply read the proposed legislation, he would see that illegal immigrants would not get coverage. Secondly, he makes his own party look foolish when the President calls the GOP out for saying instead of trying to kill it, why not try to improve it?
And maybe the worst part of making a "hero" out of Wilson, we are saying to children and others that this behavior is acceptable.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Speaking to school-kids
I want to address the "concerns" put up by the conservative movement:
1. He will indoctrinate children. Simply go to the White House website and see what the speech will be about as well as the supporting material offered to teachers.
2. This doesn't fit with the curriculum. Ok, neither do pep rallies and various other situations that students get pulled out of class for.
3. Students/people should be able to think for themselves. I agree. But saying that you want to view the video with your child at home doesn't exactly promote free thinking. And furthermore, what about the teachers being able to think for themselves instead of having superintendents just banning the speech altogether.
4. Our school doesn't have the bandwidth to watch the speech online. Well, had responsible administrators checked the White House website, they would have found out that the speech will be broadcast on C-SPAN.
Here's the simple solution. (sarcasm) If a parent is afraid little Johnny will be harmed by Obama's "do well" message, all mommy has to do is write a note to get Johnny out of class so he can put on his tin foil hat and help mommy make up more "palling around with terrorists" or "Obama wants to kill seniors" myths to float around.
I just wonder how far the "fear factor" from the fringe right will continue to push until someone with common sense will step in and say, "ENOUGH!"
With the anniversary of 9/11 approaching, I wonder if this outright hatred (for Obama) would have existed had Obama been President at the time of the attacks and he had to address the nation during school????
AMEN! The panel from today's Meet The Press got it right!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This is too much.
Why Michelle Obama's Hair Matters
Jenee Desmond-harris Wed Sep 2, 5:15 pm ET
When the First Lady attended a country-music event in July without a single strand of hair falling below her jawline, the blogosphere exploded with outbursts ranging from adoration to vitriol. Things settled down only when her deputy press secretary clarified that there had been no First Haircut. In the aftermath, a didactic post on MichelleObamaWatch.com proclaimed that anyone "familiar with the amazing versatility of black hair" would have known that the new summer look was simply "pinned up." Many Americans have dismissed this hair hubbub as simply more media-driven noise - like the chatter about Michelle Obama's sleeveless dresses, J. Crew cardigans, stocking-free legs or, for that matter, recent (shocking!) decision to wear shorts in the Arizona heat. But for African-American women like me, hair is something else altogether - singular in its capacity to command interest and carry cultural baggage. The obsession with Michelle's hair took hold long before Inaugural Ball gowns were imagined, private-school choices scrutinized or organic gardens harvested. It's not that she's done anything outrageous. The new updo wasn't really all that dramatic a departure from variations we've seen on her before (the "flip-out," the "flip-under," the long-ago abandoned "helmet"). Still, her hair is the catalyst for a conversation that begins with style but quickly transcends outward appearance and ultimately transcends Michelle herself - a symbol for African-American women's status in terms of beauty, acceptance and power.
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Erin Andrews Effect
In July, last month, 3,225 people visited my site. This month, 955 have already clicked on.
The reason?
In August of 2008, I posted a few thoughts about female sports reporters in locker-rooms covering sports and included a photo of Erin Andrews. I took the photo from a Google image search. I see that whenever an image is linked to a blog, that link is referenced on websites if an image gets used. So, in July, when the story broke about Erin Andrews being videotaped nude in her hotel room and people were looking all over the internet for photos, the thousands that came to my website probably were looking for the nudie pics.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
About time!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Real World

An interesting moral dilemma has crept up in the world. Former Tennessee Titan quarterback Steve McNair was shot dead in a murder-suicide by the the woman he was having an extramarital affair with. The Titans plan on honoring McNair by retiring his number. McNair was married with children. I wonder how many Titan fans truly feel that retiring McNair's number is a good thing considering the way his life ended.
Can you imagine how McNair's family feels?...especially his wife and kids?

Billy Mays died a couple days after Michael Jackson passed away. Originally, it was reported that Mays died of heart disease. Shortly after he passed, it was announced that commercials with Billy Mays and his booming voice and hand gestures would continue to run. Now that it has been revealed that his use of coccaine contributed to his heart disease, I wonder if his spots will continue to dominate commercial time.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Search for yourself, part three!
Larry Dolan has 6 children, among them Matthew and Paul who work for his law firm, Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan. Dolan has said his children will eventually assume ownership of the Cleveland Indians in his place. In June, 2009, Dolan suffered a mild heart-attack, and, disapointingly, didn't die.
His nephew James Dolan owns the New York Knicks of the NBA and the New York Rangers of the NHL. Neither him, nor his nephew, know how to run a professional sports team properly, and should both sell them before its too late.
Larry Dolan has made the Cleveland Indians the first MLB franchise to trade the reigning Cy Young Award winner in back-to-back seasons.
In July of 2009, Larry Dolan traded Ryan Garko, Cy Young Award winner Cliff Lee, and Ben Francisco for a slew of no-name players. The moves were widely perceived to be a big "Fuck You" to the fans in Cleveland.
Time and time again, it's proven that Larry Dolan is a cheap ass, and refuses to put money into the Cleveland Indians.
****If you didn't know, Wikipedia allows users to edit content and entries on its website, making it a "community encyclopedia." Obviously, the entry for Larry Dolan is a little off.
Search for yourself, part two!
Hi, David.
Thank you for writing to ZoomInfo.
At your request, your web profile has been removed from ZoomInfo. We apologize for any inconvenience.
ZoomInfo is a specialized web search engine similar to Google but focused on finding information about companies and professionals. The information found in ZoomInfo's search results comes from corporate websites, press releases, SEC filings, and other public websites."
(next two paragraphs refer to how long items stay on the web and searches)
Product Support
***********First of all, I want to thank Jackie and ZoomInfo for taking action to correct this. It's sad that a legitimate online service has to be used by someone playing jokes.
The link on my (now deleted) profile went to the school district website. Given what Jackie says about how they get their information, I could easily assume that someone who has access to post material on the website did this. I hope not. Some people can be extremely juvenile. Furthermore, it would be one thing if this was an isolated incident but but the person who replaced me at my former job also has the same thing posted about them.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Search for yourself!
Yesterday, I discovered something that I think you can benefit from. Someone created a fictitious entry of me on a business profile website almost a year ago and listed me as the past Head Custodian at Aurora High School. Now, I did work at Aurora for six years but I sure wasn't the "Head Custodian." I sent an e-mail to the website asking to have my name removed permanently, which the website says will take 24-48 hours.
I'm glad this wasn't something more serious or worse than "Head Custodian." Anyway, it strikes me as funny that someone would waste their time making up a fake profile of me online.
Lesson learned: it doesn't hurt to look for yourself online every once in awhile.
It's over!

I try to keep an open mind on almost anything. However, I cannot believe it when I hear the words, "she appeals to the conservative base." I worry about the base of the GOP if Palin is who they like.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
July 08, 2009 1:04 PM
Data analysis can be a subjective thing; so it is with today’s USA Today and Gallup coverage of their joint poll on Sarah Palin.
USA Today’s p.1 piece says Palin’s resignation “actually has boosted her a bit among Republicans.” Gallup’s analysis makes no such conclusion.
While its story didn’t provide numbers, USAT tells us it was referring to the fact that 15 percent of Republicans surveyed said their view of Palin had become more favorable because of her decision to resign, vs. 12 percent less favorable. (Using decimals the difference actually rounds to 4 points.)
One problem from my perspective is that this difference among the 316 Republicans surveyed is not statistically significant at the customary 95 percent confidence level (nor indeed at 90, 85 or even 80 percent confidence). Another is that a different result shows a 9-point drop in the number of Republicans who want Palin to be a major national political figure - a result that, by contrast, is significant.
The above is from ABC News. Ok, so Sarah Palin announced on July 3rd that she is quitting her post as Governor of Alaska two and a half years into her first term. BUT she says she is not quitting. How?! She said in her press conference that she didn't want to be a lame duck governor and take trips and just cash a paycheck...you know, do what's best for Alaskans. If this is true, why didn't she resign while she was a vice presidential candidate traveling around the country???? She couldn't have been on top of her job as governor as she was stirring up fear at Republican rallies and bumbling her way through her only debate.
Furthermore, how can anyone seriously see Palin as a legitimate candidate for President? She showed as little command of the moment of her resignation as she did during her interview with Katie Couric and her debate with Joe Biden. Citing the constant complaints and attacks is a copout. If she can't hack criticism at this stage of her political "career," what makes her think the criticism will be any lighter at a "higher calling."
Meanwhile, Palin's number of Facebook friends continues to skyrocket.
Hey, if you are a Republican, PLEASE get off the "she's on our side" mentality and really ask yourself, "is this the best candidate our party can put out there?"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thoughts on Michael Jackson
It's amazing that the above video is 19 years after Michael Jackson's Thriller album came out. He still had it going on then in 2001. Jackson still had game. Listen to the crowd and how loud they are. They drown out the music at times.
After Thriller came out, Bad was a pretty good follow up, but nothing he did would touch the success of Thriller.
As he got older, Michael's looks, his "strangeness", sexual abuse claims, and his being a recluse took over the headlines.
Random thoughts:
-I had a classmate in junior high who wore his Thriller jacket to school and it got stolen. I felt badly for the kid.
-There's no way, if I ever have kids, that I will nickname a child "blanket."
-I am stunned that Michael's death crashed wikipedia and Twitter. Also, Amazon.com sold out of every Michael Jackson cd. That truly is a measure of Jackson's super-stardom.
-It's strange that it took death for Michael Jackson and his music to be so relevant again.
-Regarding the last two points, I think whenever Madonna or Prince pass on, a similar effect will happen but not to the same level as what happened with Michael. Are there any others that their deaths could have a similar effect?
-I will remember that I was in the BG Student Union when I first saw the news on CNN and then a classmate confirmed that he died before my class started in East Hall.
-I wonder how long will it take for bootleg or undercover footage of his last rehearsals to be leaked.
-I wonder if it's really true that Michael weighed 108 pounds at the time of his death.
-Being that I was seven years old when Elvis Presley died in 1977, I didn't experience the hysteria around his death. So, just to live during this is a unique experience.
-Will Jordan Chandler, the boy who Michael Jackson paid $22 million out of court in 1994 to settle sexual abuse claims, make any appearances in the media?
-I wonder how show business will ultimately remember and honor Michael Jackson.
Monday, June 22, 2009
See that guy picking up litter...
Anway, today, Brown, in a plea agreement, pleaded guilty to assault charges for the alleged beating of Rihanna. In the deal, Brown will serve about 1,400 hours of "labor oriented service." He also must go to a domestic violence counseling class for a year.
I don't know if the two will stay together.
In other couples news, Jon and Kate of Jon and Kate plus 8 filed paperwork today to have their marriage dissolved. I know, previously I said I wouldn't watch the show. I watched tonight. It was one of the more uncomfortable hours of tv to watch. Jon said he was looking forward to an "exciting" new chapter in his life...while acknowledging it will be tough not being there everyday with the kids. At one point, he thought out loud, "What's going to happen if I get a job and have to move away?" Kate was obviously more affected by the break up than Jon. The lack of communication between the two, especially in front of the kids, was so obvious. The family all went out to a Sunday brunch for Mother's Day. Jon and Kate sat next to each other. Kate talked and tried to make the event as pleasant as possible. Jon was quiet the whole time.
And yes, they said the show will go on.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Who is to blame?
Tough times at South Side school
A Chicago school made an alarming announcement this week. Close to 60% of its students won't graduate from the eighth grade. The startling figure sent lookups on "Myra Bradwell Elementary School" spiking. An article from CBS 2 Chicago explains that many in the community are wondering who to blame for the students' failure. Some are pointing fingers at the parents, while those same parents are claiming they didn't receive any notice that their children were struggling (the school board claims that written notices were sent).
Monday, June 15, 2009
Breaking News!!!!
Survey: Family time eroding as Internet use soars
By BARBARA ORTUTAY, AP Technology Writer - Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:45PM EDT
NEW YORK - Whether it's around the dinner table or just in front of the TV, U.S. families say they are spending less time together.
The decline in family time coincides with a rise in Internet use and the popularity of social networks, though a new study stopped just short of assigning blame.
The Annenberg Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California is reporting this week that 28 percent of Americans it interviewed last year said they have been spending less time with members of their households. That's nearly triple the 11 percent who said that in 2006.
These people did not report spending less time with their friends, however.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
CAPITAL CULTURE: World hangs on Obama's every biteBy JOCELYN NOVECK, AP National Writer Jocelyn Noveck, Ap National Writer – Tue Jun 9, 12:07 am ET
At the bustling Pi pizza restaurant in St. Louis, the staff has come up with a new mantra: "It's just pizza!"
Just pizza, and yet still, they marvel, customers are happy to wait well upward of two hours at peak time for a table. That is, ever since news came out that Barack Obama loved this pizza so much during a campaign stop, the owners were invited to recreate it in the White House ovens.
"We tell them it'll be two to four hours, and they say, OK!" says owner Chris Sommers, who traveled on his own dime to prepare the presidential meal in April. "This has been our own private stimulus package."
Pizza from St. Louis, pancakes from Pittsburgh. A juicy burger or a chili half-smoke in D.C., soul food in Chicago. Our new president eats something and the world wants to eat it, too. We've always cared about the words that emerge from a president's lips, but has there ever been such attention to the food that enters them?
"Well, White House cookbooks have always been popular — but no, there's never been this flood of interest before," says Eddie Gehman Kohan, editor of the "Obama Foodorama" blog (subject matter self-explanatory.) She sees a fusion of two potent forces: An escalating interest in food and food policy, and enormous curiosity in anything Obama.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Possible motive?
In the (partial) article below, I can't believe the line "Police have not provided a motive for the shooting" was used. Ummmm, let's see, the guy was constantly harrassed and threatened....couldn't the reporter flat out ask if him being a doctor that carried out abortions had anything to do with his death????
Also, later in the article, there is this...."President Obama said he was "outraged by the murder."" What's the President supposed to say?
Late-term abortion doctor killed at church
By Marisol Bello, USA TODAY
George Tiller knew the dangers of being one of few physicians in the USA who provided late-term abortions His Wichita clinic was bombed in 1985 and has been repeatedly vandalized. He survived a shooting by an activist more than a decade ago. Opponents protested daily in front of his clinic, his home, homes of his staff and volunteers and almost weekly in front of his church.
On Sunday, Tiller, 67, was shot dead as he served as an usher at Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita. The killing was condemned by abortion rights opponents and mourned by abortion rights advocates as a devastating loss. Police have not provided a motive for the shooting.
"He was constantly harassed, threatened. The man never escaped it. ... He knew it would someday cost him his life," said Marla Patrick, who worked with Tiller on abortion rights issues as the state coordinator for the Kansas National Organization for Women.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Just Shut Up!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Gee, you think?
"Jon And Kate" 8 Being Exploited?
Jon and Kate have their own reality show due to the eight kids. Why wasn't anyone asking this question then?
And now that Jon and Kate are being accused of having affairs, promos for the show and tabloid stories are everywhere.
Personally, I don't see the fascination in this. Capitalizing on their misfortune isn't something I'll take part in.
Friday, May 22, 2009
First Amendment
What about the kid who was suspended over going to prom at a different school?
What about the parents who wouldn't take their kid to get chemo?
Friday, May 15, 2009
See a doctor if...
While none of the ads show any sex or are graphic in any other way, I wonder where public opinion will fall on this.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A follow up on speeches
Here are the eight criteria they listed for a memorable speech.
1. Inspire us...but lose the cliches.
2. Talk about yourself...but make it meaningful to us.
3. Make us laugh...but leave stand-up routines to the pros.
4. Practice...but don't sound practiced.
5. Make us think...but don't make us seethe.
6. Do your homework...because details matter.
7. Hope for a sunny day...but even then, have pity.
8. Finally, keep it short. Period.
So, summarizing all of these points, it sounds like the number one and overall rule should be: think of your audience first.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Current news topic
Take the case of Tyler Frost for example. Tyler Frost is a 17 year old senior at Heritage Christian School in Findlay. He was warned to not go to his girlfriend's prom at Findlay High School. The Baptist school where Tyler has gone for the last 13 years is against dancing, rock music, and gasp, hand holding! Tyler went to the prom and was promptly suspended for the last two weeks of school and cannot take part in graduation. He can take his finals and get his diploma. Tyler's reward? He was flown to New York to appear on every network morning show today. WHY? He blatantly ignored the rules of his school. I think the media picked up this story as a way of mocking the school's rules. I think a good majority of people would say the school's rules are stuck in the past but that's what they believe in. We could say the same about the Amish.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Graduation speeches
I've been to two graduations in the last three days (counting today). At one graduation, the commencement speaker basically read what sounded like a term paper. It didn't help that the ceremony was in an old gym with poor acoustics. But anyway, at the end of the speech, the applause seemed more out of gratitude that it was over than for the content.
At the other graduation I went to, the speaker was definitely more interesting but went for 30 minutes and had eleven points he wanted the audience to remember. I liked this guy but I think asking the audience to remember eleven points is a lot.
Last December, at U-T's graduation, USA Today sportwriter and Toledo native Christine Brennan spoke and gave us words of advice from her father who said, "This ain't no dress rehearsal."
Looking back at my undergrad at BG and my Masters Degree at Kent, I don't remember either.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Horrible wording!
LOS ANGELES – The milkshake has gone sour between Kelis (KEL-ees) and Nas (NAHZ).
Kelis Rogers filed for divorce Thursday in Los Angeles. She's expecting the couple's first child in July.
Documents show the couple was married in July 2003 and separated in April. Rogers is seeking to have her hip-hop husband pay her attorney's fees and spousal support.
She cited "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split.
Nas' real name is Nasir (NAH-SEER) Jones. He is considered one of rap's best artists and received a Grammy nomination for his latest untitled album. Kelis may be best known for her hit single "Milkshake."
His publicist did not respond to an e-mail message seeking comment.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Final Week
As many of you know, I taught high school the past seven plus years. The differences between being in high school and college are vast. For one, the students are held much more accountable on the college level. In high school, the teachers are accountable for the students' success and/or failure. Despite that, I still try my best to make sure each student succeeds. I set expectations high. I feel good when the grades I assign have validity. In other words, they are accurate. I feel comfortable knowing that those who got A's, worked hard for them and truly deserved them.
I have great colleagues in my department. They are very supportive. I know, I have said that a lot...but it's true. Often-times, the difference between making a job pleasant and it being a mere existence, is the people you work with. When you work with great people, you find yourself going to work earlier, hanging out with them outside of office hours, and whatever else.
Being on a college campus is an exciting thing. Having my own office is something I've never experienced before. That's why I almost always go back to my office after class just see it. My office is in University Hall, which has a tall bell tower. It feels like I have an office and teach class in a cathedral.
At the university, many things around Toledo are centered around the campus or what goes on here. It's hard not to go anywhere without seeing someone wearing a University of Toledo shirt or some kind of clothing.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Are you kidding me?
SEATTLE -- Public outrage over a game available on Apple's iPhone has caused the company to remove "Baby Shaker" from its iTunes store.
Groups that fight child abuse and advocate for victims of brain injury condemned Apple for approving the game's sale in the first place.
The game's premise -- quiet a crying baby with a vigorous shake.
The application was designed by Sikalosoft, which did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment.
"Baby Shaker" was deleted from its Web site Wednesday afternoon.
Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris would not comment about how many people downloaded the game before it was removed. Apple itself screens each iPhone application.
The Cupertino, Calif.-based company has rejected apps that let iPhone users throw virtual shoes at President George W. Bush or watch clips from the "South Park" cartoon.
It has accepted numerous programs that simulate flatulence.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here is story in today's USA TODAY that blows my mind. I have always liked dinosaurs and the public has always had a fascination with them due to movies like Jurassic Park and others. This well preserved mammoth is too good to be true...but it is.
Discovered in 2007, the 1-month-old mammoth died suddenly, probably trapped in mud. "She was doing great, very healthy," says paleontologist Dan Fisher of the University of Michigan, part of the international team researching Lyuba. "She just had this terrible misfortune."
Lyuba appears in the May National Geographic and in Waking the Baby Mammoth Sunday (9 p.m. ET/PT) on the National Geographic Channel. She's perhaps the best-preserved mammoth ever discovered: Lyuba's skin and internal organs appear intact, as well as traces of mother's milk found in her stomach. The only damage to the mammoth, which is less than 3 feet tall, are bite marks from village dogs.
Covered in coarse hair, the woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, roamed Eurasia and western North America at least 200,000 to 10,000 years ago. Dozens of partly intact woolly mammoths have been uncovered from Siberia's tundra, but Lyuba exhibits remarkable preservation. "She's all there," Fisher says. Preliminary analysis by Fisher and colleagues suggests the clay and silt that swallowed up the baby mammoth effectively "pickled" her.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Judging a book by its cover
This year, it's Susan Boyle.
Both are great performances. These are the kinds of things that make these shows worth watching. Here are folks who come from nowhere and have this amazing talent unknown to everybody until they walk onstage. What great magical moments! Very cool.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Would you do this?
DALLAS – Nikolas Colton Evans had talked about how much he wanted to have a child, but the 21-year-old died after he was punched and hit his head on the ground in a fight. That would have been the end of it, if it weren't for his determined mother, a court order and a urologist.
Missy Evans has harvested her dead son's sperm and hopes to find a surrogate and one day raise her son's child. It's a decision that ethicists say raises troubling questions; one called the potential offspring a "replacement child."
Evans isn't concerned about what others might think. She says she is only doing what her son would have wanted.
"He would love me so much for doing this," she said.
Austin police say Nikolas Evans was punched during a fight on an Austin street early March 27 and then fell to the ground, striking his head. He died April 5. Police are still trying to identify the person who hit him.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Hidden meanings in stories.
Race car driver Danica Patrick had a rough start to her season. Patrick crashed early in the Honda Grand Prix. The crash happened as the result of a pass or attempted pass by another driver. At the end of the story, the writer, Mike Harris of the Associated Press, wrote, "Patrick, the only woman in the field, ended her day in 19th and Matos was 20th. Each completed just 31 of 100 laps." WHY was it necessary to mention her being the "only woman in the field?"
My other story is about the tragedy in Graham, Washington, where a father shot his children and himself.
Here's the first sentence of the story from the Associated Press. "A father apparently shot to death five of his children, ages 7 to 16, at their mobile home and then killed himself at a casino miles away, police said Saturday."
My question with this story is how relevant is it that they lived in a MOBILE home? What if the family had been living in a one-story ranch house? Does the one-story ranch home get reported? Or do we associate mobile homes with arguments, guns, and violence?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Haunting in Connecticut
The link above is to an article in People magazine about the real Haunting in Connecticut on which the movie of the same name is based. The movie is about a family that moves to a house in C0nnecticut that used to be a funeral home. Several people died in the home during a seance and several more were "buried" in the walls of the house instead of at a graveyard.
I saw the movie today it's a good scare for a 90 minute matinee.
I have never been to a haunted house or at least not to my knowledge.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The "R" Word
Lucas County commissioners back effort to stop use of 'retarded'
"Recession" was considered a dirty word a year ago in some quarters. And no doubt there are octogenarian workaholics who feel the same about "retirement."
That proposal in Ohio Senate Bill 79 would require similar changes to all county boards of mental retardation and developmental disabilities."Words really are harmful, and they leave a lasting effect on people," said Commissioner Tina Skeldon Wozniak, who introduced the county proclamation. "I think it's good to essentially remind ourselves to think before we speak."
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Stop the Jesus Halo pictures!

I saw the bottom image in an Associated Press article today on Yahoo! News. As an Obama supporter, even I am getting tired of the way some media folks are treating the President. There's a lot of criticism that some have "annointed" Obama as a "Messiah" to rescue us from the George W. Bush mess. That's one thing...but can the media stop framing pictures to depict Obama as Jesus? It's too obvious.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
After the photogs were off her lawn, Octomom went inside where she let the Entertainment Tonight anchor cradle her child.
Uh, hello, if you want to be known as just a mom, don't let E-T in your home.
Monday, March 16, 2009
No reason for this
Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donte Stallworth hit and killed a man with his car over the weekend. I'm not going to use the word "allegedly" because it happened. What hasn't been determined or released yet is whether or not he was drunk or whatever.
The Miami newspaper as well as the Plain Dealer website has posted video from after the accident that shows paramedics treating the pedestrian that was hit. This is so wrong. It's tabloid journalism.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Media Fascination
Do we really care?
Will Octomom please go away? And please, Access Hollywood and TMZ, stop giving this woman the attention she doesn't deserve.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
When George W. Bush was in office, Democrats criticized his spending and were met with deaf ears.
Now that Barack Obama is in office, why are Republicans so loudly objecting to having their criticism being called "unpatriotic"?
Now that Barack Obama is in office, why are Republicans laying into Barack's budge????!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Close call
Phew! Asteroid's passing was a cosmic near-miss
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - An asteroid about the size of one that blasted Siberia a century ago just buzzed by Earth.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported that the asteroid zoomed past Monday morning.
The asteroid named 2009 DD45 was about 48,800 miles from Earth. That is just twice the height of some telecommunications satellites and about a fifth of the distance to the Moon.
The space ball measured between 69 ft. and 154 ft. in diameter. The Planetary Society said that made it the same size as an asteroid that exploded over Siberia in 1908 and leveled more than 800 sq. miles of forest.
Most people probably didn't notice the cosmic close call. The asteroid was only spotted two days ago and at its closest point passed over the Pacific Ocean near Tahiti.
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press.
The Face of the GOP
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A legend is gone
I wish I could have bottled up the charm and many spellbound minutes Paul Harvey gave me listening in the car on long rides as he would tell great stories like these.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Winners and Losers for the week
This is from WKYC.com in Cleveland.
LAKEWOOD -- Some kids in Lakewood went to bed on an empty stomach Friday night, knowing that they wouldn't eat again for another 18 hours. Three children, members of the Lakewood Baptist Church, are participating in an international 30-hour fast to raise money and awareness about children living in poverty around the world.
Church members lit 600 candles to symbolize the estimated number of children who die of hunger every 30 minutes. Eleven-year-old Sarah McKissock is one of the children going without food for 30 hours.
"It's unthinkable that so many children are dying," McKissock said.
During the fast, the kids will put together care packages for the needy at a food pantry and make blankets for children who are seriously ill.
What a great thing to do for people they don't know.
Yesterday, I volunteered at my church with the Fish Fry. I have always wanted to do volunteer work and this was a good chance to do something, to get involved.
Loser of the week: Kanye West
This has been reported in several media outlets. Here is US Magazine's version.
Kanye West's controversial comments during a Feb. 13 taping of VH1's Storytellers will be cut before the show airs this Sunday, Reuters reports. The rapper defended Chris Brown, downplayed Michael Phelps' controversial pot pics and slammed Radiohead during the show's three-hour taping on Feb. 13 in L.A.
In the style of Storytellers episodes, VH1 filmed West -- known for his outspoken personality -- as he played his songs in an intimate setting and shared tidbits with the audience about how they were written. His controversial comments ended up on the cutting room floor, but not for political reasons, executive producer Bill Flanagan told Reuters.
"Can't we give Chris a break?" West said to the crowd regarding Brown's arrest for allegedly beating his girlfriend, Rihanna "I know I make mistakes in life."
On a similar note, he earned applause for his support of other stars who have seen their share of scandal. "Michael Jackson, amazing," the hip-hop star said. "Michael Phelps, amazing. He's a real f---in' person. He makes mistakes."
Ok, ok, I know we are all not perfect BUT that doesn't mean that smoking pot, beating up women, and allegedly having sex with kids is acceptable because "we make mistakes."
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Winners and Losers for the week
Eric is a former colleague of mine from the TV world. He is an anchor/reporter for WKYC channel 3 in Clevleand. Eric used the release of the Rihanna photo as a news-story to see how this will affect attitudes towards domestic violence. Eric did the story without showing the photo. I appreciate Eric's sensitivity towards the issue.
Loser of the Week: TMZ.com
Congratulations to the tabloid website TMZ.com for putting the photo of Rihanna out there for the world to see. Doing this serves no newsworthy purpose. None. Her injuries have been described in the media. I have heard the "oh, we now have a face for domestic violence." What? Wasn't Nicole Brown Simpson good enough? The photos of her post-O-J beatings have been out there.
What kind of this standard is this setting for journalism? Where is the line drawn for not showing photos of victims?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Let it go!
Jennifer Aniston believes in hanging on to relationship mementos, even when the guy's just not into her anymore.
The former Friends star tells Marie Claire magazine that she can't bring herself to erase some of ex-husband Brad Pitt's voicemails. In fact, she has trouble erasing many of her past flames from her life. "I still have the cassette tapes of messages from my first boyfriend, my second boyfriend, my husband," she said.
Though it may seems strange, Aniston insists that saving the recordings is similar to keeping other lovey-dovey memorabilia. "It's like saving love letters," she said.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thank you, program directors.
"LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - R&B star Chris Brown , who was arrested last weekend on suspicion of attacking a woman widely believed to be the pop star Rihanna , said on Sunday he was "sorry and saddened" about the incident, and was seeking counseling."
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Chris Brown and Robbie Alomar
Chris Brown...If you haven't heard by now...Chris Brown allegedly assaulted his girlfriend, Rihanna.
Los Angeles (E! Online) – Earlier today, the Los Angeles District Attorney asked police detectives to dig up more evidence for their case against Chris Brown. The police are getting cooperation from Rihanna, and what she has told them so far is chilling. A source close to the investigation tells E! News exclusively that Rihanna has alleged to police that Brown choked her while threatening to kill her and, subsequently, she lost consciousness. They began squabbling after leaving Clive Davis' pre-Grammy party late Saturday. Shortly after midnight, things blew up. Brown pulled his silver Lambourghini to the side of a street in L.A.'s Hancock Park neighborhood. That's when, per the source, Rihanna grabbed the car keys and tossed them out the window, sending Brown into a rage. He tried in vain to find the keys, then came back to the car, put his hands around her neck and, according to the insider, said, "I'm going to kill you!"
The 20-year-old "Disturbia" singer told police that she lost consciousness, the source says, and when she awoke, Brown had fled.
According to the source, her right eye was blackened and badly swollen and she had hand prints on her arms. The responding officers were so concerned about her, they drove Rihanna to the hospital in their squad car instead of waiting for an ambulance.
Robbie Alomar did WHAT? I couldn't believe this when I read about this on Chris Hyser's (former WKYC in Cleveland producer) Facebook page.
NEW YORK – An ex-girlfriend of Roberto Alomar filed an explosive lawsuit alleging the former baseball star insisted on unprotected sex for four years despite having AIDS. The lawsuit, filed Jan. 30 and transferred to U.S. District Court on Wednesday, contains accusations that could not be corroborated but portray Alomar as someone who demanded sex without a condom despite showing obvious signs of HIV. Ilya Dall is seeking at least $15 million in punitive damages from the 41-year-old former infielder. Alomar spent 17 years in the majors and was one of the game's great second basemen.
Calls seeking comment from lawyers for Alomar and Dall were not immediately returned. Alomar lawyer Charles Bach told the New York Daily News the allegations are "frivolous and baseless."
Dall said the two began dating in spring 2002 and had unprotected sex for the next four years. She said that on several occasions during that time, Alomar refused to get tested for HIV, despite severe fatigue, sores on his mouth and throat, a constant cough and an infection of the esophagus that is associated with AIDS.
She said Alomar finally relented and tested positive for HIV in February 2006.
Absolutely sick
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Early winners and loses for the week

Neil was named the MusiCares Person of the Year at their annual charity fundraiser, which benefits musicians who have fallen on hard times. Diamond's career goes back to the 1960s is still going strong and is putting together a tour. How is this guy not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.?
Loser of the Week: Alex Rodriguez

Sunday, February 8, 2009
The scary state of public education
How scary is this that teachers are giving students easy grades?
Why easy grading is good for a teacher's career
By Jay Mathews
The Washington Post
Posted Feb 05, 2009 @ 05:07 PM
New Jersey high school teacher Peter Hibbard flunked 55 percent of those in his regular biology class one year.
There were no failures in his honors classes, he said, but many of his regular students refused to do the work. They did not show up for tests and did not take make-ups. They did not turn in lab reports. Homework was often ignored.
“Still, the principal told me that the failure rate was unacceptable, and I needed to fix it,” Hibbard said. “The pressure to give grades instead of actually teaching increased.
“A colleague told me that he had no problem. If students showed up, they got a C. If they did some work, they got a B. If they did fair or better on tests, they got an A. No one ever complained, and his paycheck was the same. He was a finalist for a principal’s job.”
Sometimes teachers are so candid and wise I am compelled to quote them. Here is what Hibbard told me:
“The pop phrase is that ‘those who can’t do, teach.’ I would like any serious critic to spend a month in the classroom. It is easy when you are a guest speaker and don’t have to worry about discipline.
“But do the planning, maintain interest, do practice and review, write and grade a test or three, and then deal with the parents. In your spare time, maintain records, deal with teen angst and crisis, monitor the bathroom (I went to college for this?) and be available for extra help. ...
“The message comes from the top. When leadership backs good teachers, it is so much easier. When I have to justify failing a student who refuses to try, well ...”
Hibbard taught biology for 27 years. Before that he was a field biologist for the U.S. Agriculture Department and a lobbyist on environmental issues for the housing industry.
He thinks his experience in the field was invaluable. When he started teaching he could give students practical answers to the question, “Why do we have to learn that?”
Asked for solutions for the apathy and buck-passing he observed, he sent me seven ideas. Each suggestion is followed here by my “grade.”
Get parents involved, not in the grades, but in the learning. If Johnny cuts school or misbehaves, on the third detention, one of the parents must also be present. The time should not be “quiet time” but a session with a professional on behavior modification.
Grade: A (Many of us parents hunger for support of our desperate attempts to deal with teenagers. Those of us who are totally clueless can still use a taste of reality.)
Since we cannot require teachers to gain more experience in their field, the school system should arrange for paid internships for teachers during summers.
Either colleges or school systems can do this.
Grade: B (This strikes me as expensive, thus unlikely, but worthwhile.)
Do away with it. The federal government should set specific standards for knowledge and application. States may add to it but not teach less.
The committee that sets the standards should have equal numbers of teachers, administrators, college officials and business executives. Parents should have representation.
Grade: A (This is expensive, too, but essential. It is possible under our current system to miss half of the questions on some state achievement tests and still be judged proficient.)
I almost lost my job because I failed an administrator’s child who did no work and got in my face, assuming his parent would protect him. Good teachers must not be subject to political pressure for grades. It happens far too often.
On the other hand, unions and administrators must decide on a procedure that does not protect bad teachers.
Grade: C-plus (The problem is real, but enforcing tenure rules is not a solution. As Hibbard’s own clash with his principal shows, an administrator trimp even a tenured teacher.)
Funding must be reliable and consistent. In New Jersey, the budget is sent to the voters. They provide the students but don’t approve enough money to educate them.
Grade: C-minus (Reliable and consistent funding is a fine thing but impossible to arrange in a free-enterprise, nonrecession-proof democracy. So this is a pipe dream.)
Give teachers ownership of their program. Teachers should have sufficient collaborative time to decide how to achieve the goals, what books to use and what equipment is needed, within the budget.
Most people with any skills want to be told what the job is, but not how to do it. That is why I went to college and go back for continuing education.
Grade: A-plus (Harnessing the creative energies of teachers is the key to making schools work.)
Districts must set up programs for parents during the evening or weekend for those who want to learn how to help their children with school. So many parents tell me ... they understand their children’s frustration, but they don’t know how to help.
Teach study skills to both students and their parents throughout their school years.
Grade: A (My mother taught parent-effectiveness classes after she retired as a classroom teacher. They were very popular, and I wish more parents had the same opportunity to learn proven techniques.)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Phelps and Pot

The Kellog cereal company has dropped Phelps saying that bascially his bong hit "is not consistent with the company's image."
The guy was smoking pot, which is not a "performance enhancing" drug.
Lastly, I wonder how great the person feels who took and leaked this photo to the tabloid. He probably got a nice check from it. It's sick that someone would look to profit from someone else's missteps.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Old stars, new stuff.
What is it that keeps older music artists still "in"? Bruce Springsteen did a great job with his half-time show at the Super Bowl. A few months back, I posted that Tom Jones has out new music. His new song "If He Should Ever Leave" is getting airplay around the world. Several tour dates are posted on his website, including a March 3rd appearance at the House of Blues in Cleveland. I saw him a few years ago at the House of Blues and he was amazing. He puts on a great concert.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bruce Springsteen's Performance
What did you think of the halftime show? It didn't set the world on fire for me. I'm not a big Springsteen fan. It was ok. I'll say that much. People are talking about Bruce's "crotch first" slide into the camera. On the video, it is 3:43 in. While that is getting a lot of hype, I can't believe I haven't heard as much a peep about Springsteen's "hold his mic stand penis" move. This is 1:22 into the show! Hello!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Why is this such a (no pun intended) big deal?

I definitely think there is a double standard. I highly doubt that if Matthew McConaughey put on weight, we would be seeing this much press about it.
Winner of Last Week
All of the people who supported Hillary Clinton, I hope, were impressed with the first bill that Obama signed into legislation last week. Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. The Act extends the statute of limitations for those who want to sue their employer in the case of pay discrimination. The statute of limitations now (thanks to the law) is now 360 days.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Loser of the Week
Aubrey issued an apology earlier this week claiming that he didn't intentionally use Arizona's Chase Budinger's face as a doormat.
"I want to apologize to Chase Budinger for what happened Saturday night. I never meant to step on him," Coleman said in a statement issued by the school. "I have never been in an incident like this before, and I have nothing but respect for him as a great player."
You can see in the video that Coleman is smiling off the court after he got ejected from the game.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Winners and Losers for the week

Monday, January 19, 2009
Martin Luther King Day
Winners and Losers for last week
Winner of the Week: Chesley B "Sully" Sullenberger III
By now, we should all know who "Sully" is. Sully did an incredible job of landing a jet into the Hudson River shortly after takeoff from LaGuardia airport last week. All 155 people onboard survived. The preliminary cause of the downed plane has been stated as birds or geese colliding with an engine.
Sully, as the story goes, waited until every last passenger was off the plane before he left himself.
I don't know what was worse for the passengers...the thought of the plane going down or the thought of getting out into freezing water. Either way, Sully and everyone who helped rescue the 155 onboard are all winners.
Loser of the Week (from a couple weeks ago is finally getting his due): Rey Maualuga of USC
Prior to the start of the Rose Bowl, Maualuga went up to sideline reporter Erin Andrews and did a little dance. It was a classless move for which he later texted and called Andrews to apologize.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Poor ad on a news story

The clickable ad above from WTOL channel 11's website above is for a nursing home. Now read the story below.
Jan 14, 2009 05:14 AM EST
STARK COUNTY (WTOL) - An Ohio pastor is accused of sexually assaulting a retirement home resident. Fifty-nine-year-old Eugene Dietz works at the New Life Christian Church in Stark County. Cops say he attacked an 87-year-old woman who was bedridden and couldn't defend herself. He's charged with gross sexual imposition. Dietz has confessed to the crime. He's being held on a $25,000 bond.
Thoughts of Dad
The last movie Dad took me to was Star Wars in 1977. I was so excited to see it. For me, it lived up to the hype. Dad didn't get it. When we left, he said, "I didn't understand what the hell was going on." That still cracks me up. Show my Dad a good cowboy movie and he's a happy man!
Dad was always so proud of his Slovenian background. Dad's parents came over on a boat into Ellis Island. His parents then met in Cleveland and eventually moved to Warren, Ohio, where they married and had Frank. Frank was an only child. Growing up in the Strukel house meant many hours of polkas, nutbread, and blood sausage. Don't ask me about the blood sausage. I never had it and never will! Anyway, throughout his life, Dad always loved his polkas. On Thursdays, Massillon Cable broadcasts a polka show at 7 p.m. Dad always watched it. He loved it. Dad was so proud to say he's Slovenian and loved polkas.
When Dad married and had me and my brother, he was living in Massillon. He loved the outdoors. Watching birds flock to the bird feeder was fun for him. He could sit for hours and be amazed at the different kinds of birds that would visit. He also loved to garden. Growing tomatoes, onions, and sometimes concord grapes in the backyard was something he did every spring. When the tomatoes started to ripen, Dad would often say, "Check my crop"...which meant we needed to go see what we could harvest from the garden. It was a small garden but many times, it produced some pretty good stuff.
More later...